
Donating to Chipembele Helps Children and Wildlife

We are reliant on the goodwill and generosity of our sponsors and donors; fund raising for all the projects is a continual annual process and one that demands much of our time and energy, so all donations are hugely appreciated, particularly in the provision of the Conservation Education Classes, Programmes and Projects for local children.


Chipembele appreciates the support of many individuals and organisations from all around the world. Our large donors, grant givers and individual donations keep our core work funded. Other projects are only possible by the generosity of supporter’s time, equipment and expertise, making up a significant range of donations-in-kind.

We also provide student, school and community-based projects from time-to-time. The sponsors and supporters who support the community projects we undertake are equally valued.

We partner with a number of individuals and organisations in conducting our projects, programmes and supporting students. We appreciate the support of others by way of shared programmes, cross-promotion and local support.

We thank each and every one of you for your generosity, your belief in us and support for our mission: To teach Zambian children and communities the value of wildlife and their environment so they may be conserved for present and future generations


Thank you, one and all!

The Chipembele team

PS: We are always in need of further corporate and donor organisations and individuals. If you are interested in becoming a Chipembele donor please email

Special Thanks to these organisations

The Fine Print

Please Note: *For general donations to our bank accounts, our administration costs are minimal. Each payment portal for credit card method-of-payment details the administrative on-costs associated with those facilities. Where a third party is used to assist in the US a small administrative fee is also charged. Should you wish to cover the additional “on-cost” as part of your donation we would be very grateful!

If you have any questions about donations, our Charity Status, or how to become a regular donor, or sponsor please email

Legal status of the organisation

Registered as a charitable trust with PACRA, registration number 41317. Registered as an NGO with the Ministry of Community Development registration number 101/0046/13. Chipembele Trust (UK) is a registered charity, number 1107698.

*Admin fees charged by third parties such as PayPal, JustGiving and other entities are deducted before we receive the funds. Notes on the relevant pages show what the fees are.