Where we work

Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust focuses its core work in and around the rural settlement of Mfuwe, which borders South Luangwa National Park in the Eastern Province of Zambia. Our Mobile Education Unit also reaches the remoter communities throughout Mambwe District and in Mwanya Chiefdom, Lundazi District, covering a total area of over 3000 sq. km.
Our offices are located in the grounds of Mfuwe Day Secondary School, and the site includes administration offices, a classroom, a computer room, a student resource room, the Education Team offices, a botanic garden, the Chipembele/Community Nature Conservancy and a staff house.
We also have the Chipembele Conservation Education Centre which is located 16km from Mfuwe in a remote part of the Lower Lupande Game Management Area.
Coming to visit?
Visitors are welcome at Chipembele, please contact us prior to your visit so we can be sure to arrange a suitable time.